Is there anyone’s life story you don’t want to know?”“ Not really.” His expression was unexpectedly serious. “Because people make a story of their lives. Gains, losses, tragedy and triumph–you can tell a lot about someone simply by what they put into eachcategory. You can learn a lot about what you put into each category by your reaction to them. Theyteach you about yourself without ever intending to do it–and they teach you a lot about life. Michelle Sagara West
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More Quotes By Michelle Sagara West
  1. That one, ” Ferox said, pointing at Johann with a claw. “I can see he’s communicated like that before and I think I can speak to his mind. Let me see.”“ After a moment, Johann broke from the line and approached the dragon.“ You did...

  2. Is there anyone nearby you can speak to without words?”“ I don’t know. I only know that there are those whose minds I can speak with that, when I show them how, speak back to my mind as well.

  3. That one, ” Ferox said, pointing at Johann with a claw. “I can see he’s communicated like that before and I think I can speak to his mind. Let me see.” After a moment, Johann broke from the line and approached the dragon.“ You did...

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